The Université de Lyon is an academic community (ComUE – Communauté d’universités et établissements) gathering 11 member and 25 associate institutions in Lyon and Saint-Étienne. ► Find out more
Latest news
09 JAN
The Collegium and the Lyon Inria Center have entered into a new multi-year partnership to host an international fellow for a period of 5 to 10 months each academic year, between September and June.
13 DEC
On December 13, 2024, the project’s financial partners attended their first site visit of the future Student Mental Health Center, managed by the Université de Lyon, which is due to open to students in January 2025.
03 DEC
Around 80 people attended the evening event on the premises of the Université de Lyon, including some fifty scientists covering all disciplines from over twenty different countries.
04 DEC
The Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, INSA Lyon, the Crous de Lyon and the Université de Lyon have come together to draw up a new Urban and Real Estate Master Plan for the LyonTech-la Doua Campus. This strategic document will serve as a guide for the development of the Campus up to 2035. This process is underpinned by key dates designed to involved all campus users.
09 JAN 14 JAN
The 13th Science Week - SLEIGHT Science Event #13 - organized by the Manutech-SLEIGHT Graduate School, will take place from January 9-14, 2025 at Université Jean Monnet’s Manufacture Campus.
04 DEC
Thanks to the support of the Métropole de Lyon, the ARHM foundation is offering a free listening and psychological support service for international students living in Lyon.