Conférences / Tables rondes

Round table discussions open to the public: “What are the ethical challenges for research in the era of Big Data and AI?”

Le 06 February 2020 De 18:00 à 19:45

As part of the science day on the theme of “Artificial Intelligence: transformations and challenges”, the Université de Lyon’s 12 Laboratories of Excellence will be co-organizing a round table discussion open to the public with the support of the Université de Lyon RESETIS platform and Pop’Sciences.


Thanks to considerable technological progress in artificial intelligence (AI), researchers are increasingly able to analyze huge quantities of information. By browsing this “big data” or cross-referencing information at a speed that the human brain would be unable to assimilate, scientists have made major advances in climatology, for example, as well as in genetics, robotics and the study of collective behavior.
However, this substantial progress should not obscure the fact for researchers that use of such big data and AI raises ethical questions. Scientists are, therefore, having to think seriously about issues surrounding data privacy, fair processing of data, the transparency of algorithms, taking discriminatory bias into account and their legal responsibility.
Consideration of these ethical points needs to match the pace at which this technology is being developed in our laboratories and disseminated in society, and it will be the central focus of this round table.


  • Guillaume Rousset (Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University - associate professor in law)
  • Catherine Tessier (French Aeronautics and Space Research Agency (ONERA) – Advisor on scientific integrity and research ethics; specialized in autonomous systems)
  • Paola Tubaro (CNRS & Université Paris-Sud – Sociologist specializing in AI, big data and microwork)
Registration is closed for this event.