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Research Ethics Committee
Research Ethics Committee
The Research Ethics Committee of the Université de Lyon (CER-UdL, "Comité d'éthique de la recherche de l'Université de Lyon") aims to support researchers who wish to ensure the deontology of their research protocols.
Please note: once requested, the research cannot begin without the agreement of the Research Ethics Committee, and therefore before having followed the submission protocol. ► Find out more
Research ethics at the Université de Lyon
The mission of the CER-UdL is to provide independent opinions on projects for non-interventional research on humans (outside the scope of the ‘Jardé’ law); human subject research (RIPH, "recherches impliquant la personne humaine") being governed by the French Code of Public Health ("Code de la Santé publique") and under advisement from other forms of Ethics Committees (CPP, "comités de protection des personnes"). The ethical assessment of research projects outside the scope of the Jardé law, carried out by the CER-UdL, is consultative but strongly recommended when a researcher wishes to publish their project in a scientific journal or review.
Important: the CER-UdL is not competent to define whether your project depends on the evaluation of a CPP or a CER. For further information, please refer to the page "How to submit a research project".
The CER-UdL is part of a national framework, the French Federation of CERs, as well as an already rich ecosystem on the Lyon Saint-Étienne site: Lyon CUMG Ethics Committee, VetAgro Sup Ethics Committee, CELYNE (Lyon Ethics Committee in Experimental Neuroscience), Inserm Ethics Committee (CEI), CNRS Ethics Committee (COMETS).
Upcoming dates
- 12/06/2025 CER-UdL plenary session
- 15/05/2025 CER-UdL plenary session
- 10/04/2025 [FULL] CER-UdL plenary session
- 20/03/2025 [FULL] CER-UdL plenary session
- 13/02/2025 [PAST] 2024 CER-UdL introductory session
- 16/01/2025 [PAST] 2024 CER-UdL introductory session
- 12/12/2024 [PAST] 2024 CER-UdL introductory session
- 14/11/2024 [PAST] 2024 CER-UdL introductory session
- 10/10/2024 [PAST] CER-UdL plenary session
- 19/09/2024 [PAST] CER-UdL plenary session
- 29/08/2024 [PAST] 2024 CER-UdL introductory session
Established in 2022, the Université de Lyon’s Research Ethics Committee (CER-UdL - Comité d'éthique de la recherche) supports researchers who wish to ensure the ethics of their research protocols (except for research involving human subjects). It will welcome new members at the start of the 2024/25 academic year.
22 NOV
The Inserm Ethics Committee (CEI – Comité d’éthique de l’Inserm) is organizing its 10th annual meeting on November 22, 2023 in partnership with the Espace éthique Région Île-de-France.
08 DÉC
The next Congress of the French Federation of Research Ethics Committees (Fédération Nationale des CER) will take place on Friday December 8, 2023 at the Université Paris Cité. The Congress will focus on “Ethics in RECs, from Aristotle to Chat GPT”.
02 DÉC
The Université de Lyon – via the CER-UdL (UdL Research Ethics Committee) – is hosting the Congress of Research Ethics Committees on December 2, 2022 in Lyon. This one-day event brings together the institutional Research Ethics Committees from all over France (academic, university-hospital and institutional structures) to discuss “Reviewing human research ethics: laws and practices”.
19 AVR
The Université de Lyon's Research Ethics Committee is a consultative body that aims to support researchers who wish to ensure the ethics of their research protocols (except for research involving the human person). Dr. Humbert de Fréminville, who chairs the CER-UdL, explains its objectives and how it works.
Launched in 2020, the CER-UdL will hold its first blue-ribbon committee on January 20, 2022. The committee’s main task is to provide an advisory opinion on research protocols (both for basic and applied research) to researchers and research professors at the Université de Lyon.