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The Université de Lyon supports its researchers with the promotion of their research findings and their transfer to socio-economic sectors. This goal has been fulfilled by PULSALYS, the Technology Transfer Acceleration Company (SATT) in the Lyon Saint-Étienne region.
SATTs, which were launched as part of the Investments for the Future program, are 'simplified joint-stock companies' (SAS) owned by academic stakeholders and the State. The shareholders of the SATT in Lyon and Saint-Étienne are the Université de Lyon, the CNRS and the Caisse des Dépôts. For ten years, PULSALYS will be funded by the State with 57 million euros so that it can protect and accelerate the transfer of technology from the Université de Lyon's laboratories to socio-economic sectors.
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Research laboratories in Lyon and Saint-Étienne are beaming with outstanding projects, some of which have strong innovative potential coupled with true industrial and societal benefits.PULSALYS actively involves itself alongside researchers in these projects by protecting intellectual property and ensuring the technological and economic development of projects by considering the challenges of the market. By investing in projects on a human and financial level, it enables them to:
- Reach the level of maturity required to become a product or service;
- Convince socio-economic partners to make long-term commitments to developing and marketing their project.
The main objectives of the PULSALYS SATT:
- To select research findings with strong potential from the Université de Lyon's laboratories;
- To develop projects according to market demand;
- To transfer projects to socio-economic sectors by creating innovative startups or by transferring them to existing companies.
The three major PULSALYS areas are the same as IDEXLYON's fields of excellence:
- Biohealth and Society;
- Science & Engineering for Sustainable Development;
- Humanities and Urbanity.
A multidisciplinary team that supports projects based on their subject-specific skills (biology, engineering science, digital technology, etc.) and their professional expertise (technological development, economic development, intellectual property, legal expertise, marketing/communication, etc.).
Promotion workshops
One workshop a month to learn about all the ways of promoting projects.
The Promotion Club
For organizing and networking the "promotion community" from all laboratories at the Université de Lyon.
The Science Startup Weekend
Supported by PULSALYS to experiment with creating innovative companies.
The Fit Meeting
Where startups led by researchers can meet entrepreneurs.
The Innovation Academy
A doctoral program offered to PhD students by the Université de Lyon to conduct an innovation project. ► Find out more
Calls for projects
Discover all calls for projects on PULSALYS' website