Composite connection of Higgs, Dark Matter and neutrinos

Du 21 septembre 2020 au 25 septembre 2020

En attente d'information - UCBL campus de la doua, Villeurbanne
copiright CERN
copiright CERN
The discovery of a Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN was a very important piece of information concerning the electroweak symmetry breaking mechanism, but in order to fully understand the origin of mass and what is beyond this effective description, one needs also to search for new particles in as many theoretical frameworks as possible. In the Standard Model, left-handed fermions are doublets of weak isospin, while right-handed fermions are singlets. While this agrees with the observed properties of the weak currents, there is another possibility in which new heavy fermionic states, called vector-like fermions, are included in the theory.

The conference will gather the world experts in this field both at the experimental and theoretical level, and aims towards the study of detailed experimental signatures at LHC and in other precision and flavor experiments. Another important focus of the conference is to answer the real physical question of matching theoretical predictions with what can be really observed in a collider after including the simulation of the detector response. As a result of the analysis of the existing bounds new models and new search strategies for the experiments will be discussed.