Colloque / Séminaire

Ecole doctorale - IFAS4 summer school

Du 9 juillet 2018 au 16 juillet 2018

L'école IFAS4 réunit des étudiants de différents horizons et leur propose des conférences spécialisées de haut niveau avant de participer à un projet de recherche de sept jours. Le sujet de cette quatrième édition est la spectroscopie, des techniques d'observation et de réduction des données, à la détection et à l'extraction de la source en spectroscopie intégrale en utilisant des méthodes de fusion de données inverses, à l'analyse de données.

The Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon (CRAL) has been a pioneer or 3D, or Intergral field spectroscopy, and recently assembled the MUSE spectrograph now in operation at the ESO's VLT. This is one of the largest and most advanced IFU spectrograph, and it opened the era of spectroscopic blind surveys, where, rather than targeting pre-selected sources, entire new classes of objects can be discovered out of deep fields. IFAS4 will give introduction and practical experience on the cutting-edge spectroscopic methods.

IFAS4 is the fourth edition of a series co-organized by Lyon (LIO, CRAL CNRS UMR5574, UCBL) and IUCAA in Pune. The first and third editions were held in 2015 and 2017 in Pune on observational astronomy, and the second hold in Lyon in 2016 was on modeling and simulations in astrophysics. These schools hosted participants from nine different nationalities. Observatoire de Lyon is renowned for its expertise in cosmology, physics of galaxies, and planetology. IUCAA is coordinating major efforts to develop theoretical and observational astronomy in India.

Lectures will be given during the morning sessions, and research projects will be proposed to the participants, in small groups supported by a tutor. The school will be concluded by a presentation of the results of these projects.

Up to 30 participants will be selected. The organizers may provide partial financial support on demand and justification (this may take the form of reduced registration fees and/or travel grants).

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