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Administration de la Recherche sur la Personne Humaine>
NeuroSpin - Institut des sciences du vivant Frédéric Joliot Université Paris-Saclay Paris - France
- Site internet.
- https://www.cea.fr/drf/joliot
Activités / CV
Pediatric research nurse with a specialization in ethics, is an engineer research assistant for human research within the Fundamental Research Department DRF of the CEA in France, where she coordinates the clinical trials committee and assists researchers in setting up their projects to achieve ethics and regulatory compliance. She leads European projects in the field of ethics. She provides training for internals in medicine in the field of human research as a teacher at the INSTN , Master 2 and she has been a trainer for new members who integrate the French national ethic committees (CPP). She has written several educational articles and general updates in the field of research ethics for journals dedicated to practitioners and their continued education. She is a member a the Pasteur Institute animal committee. In her current position as President of the CER at the University of Paris-Saclay she encounters many projects related emerging or new technologies from research within Paris-Saclay University as well as from external researchers.