International conference - Future Colliders and the Origin of Mass

Du 21 juin 2021 au 25 juin 2021

IP2I, campus de la Doua

Le labEx LIO est partenaire de cette conférence internationale qui se tiendra du 21 au 25 juin 2021 à l'IP2I en présentiel mais également par zoom en distanciel.

The LIO international conference on "Future colliders and the origin of mass" aims at discussing the new recent results in particle physics and explore new and emerging models of physics beyond the standard model which can be relevant at present and future colliders. The phenomenology of these models and their implications for lepton flavour, Higgs physics, Dark matter and neutrino physics will be discussed in detail. We will also host a session dedicated to discussing the implications of the muon g-2 measurement.

The conference will be both a webcast event and a local event at IP2I. It is aimed at discussing and starting new collaborations and projects, so ample time will be left for discussion and collaborative work.