School - 7th Indo-French Astronomy School

Du 29 juillet 2021 au 6 août 2021

IUCAA, Pune, India
Evénement organisé en distanciel
The IFAS7 school will bring together students from different horizons, expose them to high-level specialized lectures, and propose them to carry-on a eigh-days research project. The title of the present school is spectroscopy, treasures in the voxels.

The voxels and the spaxels, are the elements that compose the data-cubes of integral-field spectroscopy. The topics will go from the observational and data-reduction techniques, through the source detection and extraction in integral-field spectroscopy using inverse methods data fusion approaches, to data analysis.

The school is open to students at doctoral and post-doctoral levels, and to highly skilled and motivated master students, without geographic restrictions.

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