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Digital university
Students and staff can access digital services on all campuses using the CROUS IZLY multi-service card, as well as the telepresence robots that enable students and staff to watch and give certain lectures remotely.
For whom?
- All students enrolled at a higher education institution.
- All staff (administrative or teaching staff) from higher education institutions.
- Certain institutions and authorities affiliated with CROUS in Lyon - Saint-Étienne
- To access more services
- To help you manage your account
- For faster payments at check-outs.
How to use it
Easy, Portable, Safe
You are given your multi-service IZLY card when you enroll. In particular, this card enables you to pay for your meals in the CROUS Resto'U and Cafet'U.
To use your card, you must activate your IZLY account online by entering the password sent to your student email address.
- If you have received the IZLY activation email, go to and enter the temporary password given to you.
- If you have not received the IZLY activation email, go to to send another activation email with a new temporary password (see the instruction guide below).
If have activated your IZLY account, you can top up your account online and pay for your meals with either your contactless card or smartphone by downloading the IZLY mobile app and scanning the QR code.
► Find more information on the CROUS website
The Université de Lyon's Open Access policy
The Université de Lyon attaches great importance to the promotion of its scientific productions, and aims to ensure that the results of its research are accessible to the general public. Thus, in keeping with the 2016 French law for a Digital Republic, it is implementing a number of steps to promote the adoption of Open Access.
Discover all the Open Access initiatives at the Université de Lyon
The Université de Lyon's telepresence robots
The Université de Lyon's telepresence robots enable users, students and staff from the campuses in Lyon and Saint-Étienne to participate in on-site lessons and activities without physically being there.

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