The environmental and social transition is both systemic and cross-functional. It requires strong interaction with the regions and with the networks working to identify and address these challenges. It is both necessary and important to share best practices and link actions with our partners.

Regional commitments and frameworks

Métropole de Lyon’s Regional Climate Air and Energy Plan

The Université de Lyon has been a signatory of the Métropole de Lyon’s Regional Climate Air and Energy Plan since November 12, 2015, and renewed its commitment on November 28, 2018.

The Université de Lyon and the Crous de Lyon have committed to a series of actions as part of this 2020 2030 Regional Climate Air and Energy Plan.

For more information, visit the Métropole de Lyon’s Regional Climate Air and Energy Plan website (in French)

Saint-Étienne Métropole’s Regional Climate Air and Energy Plan

The Université de Lyon has been a signatory of the Saint-Étienne Métropole’s Regional Climate Air and Energy Plan since October 13, 2015.

Learn more about some of the actions implemented by the signatories of the Saint-Étienne Métropole’s “Climate Plan” Charter (in French).

Member of the Board of Directors of the Métropole de Lyon’s Local Energy and Climate Agency

The Université de Lyon is a member of the Métropole de Lyon’s Local Energy and Climate Agency (ALEC - Agence Locale de l’Énergie et du Climat). It is thus involved in the life of this organization, which works to promote low-carbon lifestyles, decisions and actions that use less energy, water and resources. ALEC was also involved in the development of the 2018 Energy and Ecological Transition strategy.

Partnership frameworks documents

• In 2023, the Université de Lyon and the Métropole de Lyon published their Ambition 2030 University Development Plan.

The first strategic ambition of this document is to “develop a university community that can lead change in the region”. It aims to support research as a driver of social, environmental and economic change. It is also about recognizing and strengthening the university community’s power to act, and encouraging individual initiatives to help transform the region in their own way. The University Development Plan is designed to develop impact-based student entrepreneurship and accelerate business transition through training, skills development and innovation.

Find out more abut the University Development Plan (in French)

• In 2023, the Université de Lyon and the Crous de Lyon published their 2022-2027 Student Life Master Plan. This campus-wide initiative is dedicated to integrating ecological transition into student activities, through awareness-raising initiatives, events, community gardens, and more.

Find out more about the Student Life Master Plan (in French)

Commitments with national partners

Partnership with the French Water Agency

The Université de Lyon is committed to working with local water agencies, as part of the metropolitan contract for the sustainable management of water, signed in 2016, followed by the metropolitan contract for water conservation in 2022.

By signing these contracts, the Université de Lyon and its institutions have committed to integrating the objectives of reducing soil sealing and managing the quality of water resources in all future projects.

Signing of the Sustainable Development Plan Charter

Since October 11, 2017, the Université de Lyon has been one of the signatories of the Sustainable Development Plan charter for energy and environmental efficiency in public and private tertiary buildings.

Participation in the Higher Education and Research and Transition Networks

France Universités

The Université de Lyon is involved in the France Universités project on transition issues. It sits on the Ecological and Societal Transition Committee, which meets every two months. It is also a long-standing member of the PEEC 2030 (Programme d’efficacité énergétique des campus – Campus Energy Efficiency Program 2030) working group, which is exploring the development of a design framework for new solutions that are economical in terms of operating and construction costs, raw materials and greenhouse gas emissions, and tailored to the missions of universities as they implement societal and environmental transitions.


As of 2023, the Université de Lyon is a member of the CIRSES (Collectif pour l’Intégration de la Responsabilité Sociétale et du développement durable dans l’Enseignement Supérieur – Collective for the integration of social responsibility and sustainable development in higher education), which brings together those responsible for Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility in higher education institutions. This collective enables networking to promote the exchange of feedback, tools, best practices, and much more.