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FUN-MOOC: Open online university
MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are instrumental in the digital transformation of higher education.
Since 2015, the Université de Lyon has contributed towards the FUN platform (France Université Numérique - ‘French Digital University’) which disseminates MOOCs by 180 key players in higher education in France.
FUN-MOOC is a tool for promoting Francophone training programs, in keeping with the tradition of open universities. The member institutions of the Université of Lyon contribute around 15 MOOCs towards the platform, on subjects as diverse as economics, eco-responsibility, human sciences, mathematics and even software skills.
These training programs are free and often offer new certification courses.
The Université de Lyon’s involvement in FUN-MOOC falls within the networking culture upheld by the institutions and is aimed at improving access to knowledge and the customization of courses available in the online project.
► Discover our MOOCs
FUN-MOOC is a tool for promoting Francophone training programs, in keeping with the tradition of open universities. The member institutions of the Université of Lyon contribute around 15 MOOCs towards the platform, on subjects as diverse as economics, eco-responsibility, human sciences, mathematics and even software skills.
These training programs are free and often offer new certification courses.
The Université de Lyon’s involvement in FUN-MOOC falls within the networking culture upheld by the institutions and is aimed at improving access to knowledge and the customization of courses available in the online project.
► Discover our MOOCs