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CURSUS+: the Université de Lyon’sundergraduate transformation project
On July 9, 2018, the CURSUS+ project was selected as laureate of the National Research Agency’s call for projects “New university programs”, as part of the Investments for the Future program (Programme d’investissements d’avenir – PIA). With a ten-year funding, the CURSUS+ project aims to transform the undergraduate programs of the universities Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Lumière Lyon 2, Jean Moulin Lyon 3 and Jean Monnet Saint-Étienne towards a common goal: students successes.
CURSUS+ transformation strategy relies on three main areas:
- Personalize the courses by organizing the entire undergraduate programs into modules;
- Open up channels to facilitate the transition between general bachelor's degrees and other types of undergraduate programs;
- Professionalize the bachelor's degree to support its integration in the employment market and to respond to the growing need for middle managers.
Key figures
€14.5M in grants
Focus on several CURSUS+ courses
Important dates
November 2020: first lecture of “Student Success” series
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September 2020: launch of six new CURSUS+ programs
October 2019: launch date of the CURSUS+ 2020 call for projects
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September 2019: start of the first five CURSUS+ programs
April 2019: launch of the CURSUS+ project at the Université de Lyon
July 2018: CURSUS+ project is the winner of the French National Research Agency’s “New university programs” call for projects.
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CURSUS+ partners
The CURSUS+ project, led by the Université de Lyon, receives State aid which is administered by the French National Research Agency (Agence nationale de la recherche) as part of the Future Investments Program under the reference ANR-18-NCUN-0005.
Pauline Robillard
Coordinatrice projet CURSUS+,
Direction Stratégie académique
Coordinatrice projet CURSUS+,
Direction Stratégie académique