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International laboratories

As part of its international policy, the Université de Lyon is helping to initiate IRP (International Research Project) and IRL (International Research Laboratory) located primarily in the zones of the International Alliance.

What are IRPs and IRLs?

The IRPs (International Research Projects) and IRLs (International Research Laboratories) are tools for structuring international cooperation set up by the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS).

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IRLs supported by the Université de Lyon

LN2: Nanotechnology and nanosystems laboratory (Canada)

  • French institutions: École centrale de Lyon, INSA Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, CPE Lyon, Université Grenoble Alpes, CNRS
  • Canadian institution: uSherbrooke
  • Website:

Lines of research: 3D electronic integration and packaging; BioMEMs; energy management on a chip; innovations and nanotechnologies: ethics, use and societies

E2P2L: Eco-efficient Products and Processes Laboratory (China)

  • French institutions: ENS de Lyon, Université de Lille, Solvay, CNRS
  • Chinese institutions: East China Normal University, Fudan University
  • Website:

Lines of research: development of innovative eco-efficient products, green chemistry, process development catalysts, development of environmentally friendly processes

ElyTMaX: Engineering and Science Lyon Tohoku, Laboratory for Materials and Systems Under Extreme Conditions (Japan)

  • French institutions: INSA Lyon, École centrale de Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, ENISE, CNRS
  • Japanese institution: Tohoku University
  • Website:

Lines of research: studies of the behavior of materials under extreme and complex conditions, study of degradation mechanisms

REHABS: Reconciling Ecological and Human Adaptations for a Biosphere-based Sustainability (South Africa)

Lines of research: anthropization of the environment; biodiversity and conservation; evolution and adaptation; functional ecology and management of ecosystem services; sustainable development goals; socio-ecological systems and global changes

IRPs supported by the Université de Lyon

CAC: Jacques Cartier Acoustics Center (Canada)

Lines of research: vibroacoustics; aeroacoustics; materials and metamaterials; vibroacoustic imaging and non-destructive testing; active control, field synthesis and perception

FunCat: Fundamental Catalysis for Green Chemistry (Canada)

Lines of research: activation of C-C bonds in lignin models; new bimetallic catalysts for the breaking of C-C bonds, for applications in ethanol fuel cells; organic-inorganic hybrid nanosystems for catalysis

JIN: Joint Institute for Neuromuscular Research (Canada)


Lines of research: fundamental aspects of cellular and molecular physics of skeletal muscle and peripheral nervous system in normal and pathological conditions, from embryonic development to aging

Post-Western Sociology: post-western sociologies and field sciences in China and France

  • French institutions: ENS de Lyon, Sciences Po Lyon, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Université Jean Monnet, CNRS
  • Chinese institution: Chinese Academy for Social Sciences, Beijing University, Nankin University, Shanghai University
  • Website:

Lines of research: analysis of the production and implementation of academic knowledge in China and France; study of the dynamics of exchange and hybridization of knowledge developed beyond Western models

ELyT Global: Engineering and Science Lyon Tohoku Global (Japan)

Lines of research: biosciences & engineering; durability, reliability for energy and transport; materials and systems at nano and micro scales; fluid dynamics, heat transfers and microfluidics; tribology

SMOLAB: Small Molecule Lab (Japan)

Lines of research: porous coordination polymers (PCP) and their applications.

ALPhFA 2: Associated Laboratory for Photonics (Australia)

  • French institutions: Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, École Centrale de Lyon, INSA Lyon, CPE Lyon, Université Aix-Marseille, Université Paris Sud, École centrale de Marseille, CNRS
  • Australian institutions: Sydney University, Macquarie University, Australian National University, Melbourne Royal Institute of Technology, Swinburne University
  • Website:

Lines of research: metasurfaces, metamaterials, plasmonics; photonics in the middle infrared; functional photonics on silicon