The Rhône Campus Alliance brings together academic partners from the Lake Geneva region and the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. The aim is to strengthen scientific research partnerships between the Université de Lyon, the University of Geneva (UNIGE), the Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA), the University of Lausanne (UNIL) and the Université Savoie Mont-Blanc (USMB)

The “Rhône Campus Alliance” network is based on the sharing of skills and facilities, and on the institutions’ geographical proximity, to develop collaborations focusing on specific themes with the aim of creating a world-class innovative region, with a significant local, European and international impact.

As part of this alliance, two research project start-up funds have been launched, one in 2018 and one 2021, in order to:

  • Develop joint research projects
  • Set up consortia for responding to European calls for projects
  • Provide support for innovative and developmental projects
  • Encourage closer ties with public, private and community partners.

2018 projects co-funded by the Université de Lyon



Main theme

Partner institutions

Intersectionnalité Sociologie droit Université Lumière Lyon 2, UNIGE
Quantification spectrale X Santé imagerie cardio Hospices Civils de Lyon
Séminaire Rhodanien cognition Sciences cognitives UNIL
Séd-Impact Biologie UNIL, UGA, ENTPE
Alliance NeuroTechnologique Rhodanienne Neurotechnologies INSERM, UGA, UNIGE, HES-SO
Vers une appropriation critique et intégrée des neurosciences en éducation Neurosciences Université Jean Monnet
Sélection naturelle sur le génome dans les dents de rongeurs muridés Biologie UNIL

2021 projects involving the Université de Lyon

The second call for projects resulted in a total of 14 projects being selected, four of which involved the UdL member institutions

PROJECT: “Working from home with digital technology”

  • Project leaders: Emilie VAYRE (GRePS, UL Lyon 2), Emmanuel ABORD DE CHATILLON (UGA) and David GIAUQUE (UNIL)
  • Supported by the UdL

PROJECT: “Developing a digital simulator for estimating the wear index of hip prostheses”

  • Project leaders: Raphaël DUMAS (LBMC, UCB Lyon 1) and Florent MOISSENET (UNIGE)
  • Supported by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region

PROJECT: “MatéRhône – Building materials in the Rhône region: extraction, distribution and recycling”

  • Project leaders: Romain J. GARCIER (EVS, ENS Lyon), Hélène BLASZKIEWICZ (UNIGE), Laëtitia MONGEARD (EVS, ENS Lyon), Hy DAO (UNIGE), Pascal PEDUZZI (UNIGE), Michel LUSSAULT (EVS, ENS Lyon), Estelle MORLE (ENSAL) and Pierre DESVAUX (École urbaine de Lyon).
  • Supported by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region

PROJECT: “Cartoons and digital culture”

  • Project leaders: Laurent BARIDON (LARHRA, UL Lyon 2) and Philippe KAENEL (UNIL)
  • Supported by the UdL