Awards and Recognition | Research, Taking care of your health

[AWARD] Two Lyon projects selected as part of the national "Innovation santé 2030" plan

On The May 23, 2023

On May 16, 2023, the French President announced the creation of four new bioclusters and 12 new university hospital institutes (IHU – instituts hospitalo-universitaires) to strengthen health research in France and accelerate the transition from research to care. Among them, two Lyon-based programs of excellence have been selected: Everest (liver diseases) and BCF2I – French Biocluster for Innovation in Infectious Diseases.

Sixteen new “world-class” biomedical research centers have been created as part of the French government’s "Innovation santé 2030" plan to accelerate health research and innovation. 

  • With a total budget of 300 million Euros, the four new bioclusters will bring together laboratories, research centers, healthcare centers and healthcare companies.
  • For the 12 new university hospital institutes, five will receive between €30 and €40 million, five will receive €20 million and two will receive €5 million, with a further €5 million depending on the progress of the project.

A closer look at Lyon’s two selected projects

  • The Lyon Hepatology Institute is now a recognized university hospital institute. With funding of €20 million over ten years, the EVEREST* center of excellence for liver disease research is led by the Hospices Civils de Lyon, the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, the Inserm and the Centre Léon Bérard, with support from the local authorities. | → Click here to find out more (FR)
  • Located in Gerland and coordinated by Lyonbiopôle Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, the “French Biocluster for Innovation in Infectious Diseases”, also known as BCF2I, will bring together world leaders in the life sciences, innovative SMEs, and higher education and research institutions (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, CIRI, Bioaster and HCL) in a "One Health" approach. | → Click here to find out more (FR)

Congratulations to them!

* EVEREST for "intEgratiVE RESearch in hepaTology"