[PUBLIC EVENT] Students, come share your ideas and get involved in hospitality!

From November 4, 2023 to November 10, 2023

Lyon & Villeurbanne

From November 4 to 10, the Métropole de Lyon and the cities of Lyon and Villeurbanne are organizing the Biennale de l’Hospitalité (Hospitality Biennial). A week of seminars, screenings, visits, discussions, etc. designed to inform, share, mobilize, and make Lyon a more welcoming and supportive place.

The Hospitality Biennial comes to Lyon

  • What is hospitality?
  • Who is involved?
  • What places are concerned?
  • What needs does it meet?

These are the questions that the 2023 edition will try to answer through more than 70 free activities spread over different locations, open to the general public, organizations and local, national and European public and private operators in the hospitality sector.

Guests from all walks of life (sociologists, journalists, singers...) will challenge preconceived notions about migration and offer their perspectives on these issues. Screenings, exhibitions, and meetings will provide an opportunity to take a different look at people in exile by exploring their stories and journeys. Finally, a series of discussions and open days will provide an opportunity to learn more about homelessness, discover local solidarity initiatives and, why not, get involved.

Click here to view the program and to register
| webpage coming soon

The Université de Lyon invites all students in the Lyon area to participate in this festive celebration of hospitality, which is set to become a regular event.