[IN OUR INSTITUTIONS] ERC Consolidator: 41 French recipients, including 3 from Lyon Saint-Étienne

On The February 23, 2023

In 2022, the European Research Council funded more than 300 researchers in Europe through its “ERC Consolidator Grants”. Forty-one of the recipients are from France, including three from the Lyon Saint-Étienne university site.

These grants are intended to support the best exploratory research in three main fields (social sciences, physical and engineering sciences, and life sciences) and are awarded to European project leaders who obtained their doctorate between 7 and 12 years ago.

Consolidator Grants are awarded once a year for a period of 5 years to researchers from any country in the world, but who must spend at least 50% of their working time in an EU member state or associated country.

The ERC Consolidator 2022 call, the results of which were published by the Commission on January 31, 2023, attracted 2,222 applicants, with 321 beneficiaries finally selected. 41 of the successful applicants are based in France, putting France in second place, one place higher than in the previous ERC Consolidator call for applications.

Find out more about the ERC Consolidator Grant

A look at the recipients from Lyon and Saint-Étienne

Among the 41 French recipients, three researchers come from the Lyon Saint-Étienne site:

• Catherine Larose, CNRS researcher at the Ampère Laboratory (CNRS/École Centrale de Lyon/INSA Lyon/Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1), for her project: Paleo-MARE – a paleo-ecological approach to deciphering the impact of heavy metals on antibiotic resistance spread in the environment | → Click here to find out more (FR)

• Ashley Shade, head of research at the CNRS, at the Ampère Laboratory (CNRS/École Centrale de Lyon/INSA Lyon/Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1), for her project: MicroRescue – Resolving mechanisms of microbiome rescue to promote resilience to climate change | → Click here to find out more (FR)

• Mathieu Couttenier, University Professor in Economics (École normale supérieure de Lyon), for his project: ArtiMinDev – Artisanal Mines, Economic Development and Social Impact | → Click here to find out more (FR)

Congratulations to all three of them!