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The Université de Lyon's Open Access policy
The Université de Lyon attaches great importance to the promotion of its scientific productions, and aims to ensure that the results of its research are accessible to the general public. Thus, in keeping with the 2016 French law for a Digital Republic, it is implementing a number of steps to promote the adoption of Open Access.
Widely broadcasting scientific publications
The HAL portal is a scientific publication archiving solution hosted by the CNRS. The Université de Lyon’s version, which was published online in 2016, makes scientific publications from projects conducted at the Lyon Saint-Étienne site available online. To this end, the portal aims to:
- Increase the visibility and the distribution of publications in order to promote the university’s scientific outputs;
- Archiving and providing access to the data and publications in the long term and to the general public.
Raising awareness of Open Access issues among researchers
The Open Access Day has been held yearly since 2016 at the Lyon Saint-Étienne academic site. It is an opportunity for exchanges surrounding the issues related to open scientific publishing and raising awareness among researchers. It is held every October, and includes lectures for the general public as well as more specialized debates for professionals of university mediation and documentation.
Awareness-raising posters designed by an inter-institutional working group were also designed for the event.
See the awareness-raising posters (in French)
Single-signature of scientific publications
The Université de Lyon’s Board of Directors adopted a single-signature protocol on December 15, 2015, for all scientific publications from the COMUE’s member institutions.
Download the signature protocol (in French)communication@universite-lyon.fr
Cécile Étesse, Open Access coordinator
What is Open Access?
Open Access involves making digital content available online, primarily academic papers and articles. Since the French bill for a Digital Republic was published, Open Access has been the subject of national discussions: the HAL archive, created by the CNRS, includes over 500,000 scientific publications. The European Commission has also issued guidelines for Open Access as part of its Horizon 2020 framework.