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FAQ ADUM - Doctoral cross-training
How can I register for an interdisciplinary doctoral program at the UdL?
The complete catalog of interdisciplinary doctoral programs offered by the Université de Lyon is available online.
Doctoral students can also access the catalog from their ADUM account (training section). When a training course is open, the date will be displayed in green and you can register by clicking on the “Course Registration” button at the bottom of the page.
Important: If you have not yet created an ADUM account, or if you have not yet completed every stage of your thesis registration, you will need to apply for the courses using the special forms available at the bottom of each course sheet (“Website” line). Your training registration will be processed on ADUM afterwards.
Why can’t I register for a course on ADUM?
The course may be “closed” (the course has been completed or is full) or “pending” (registration for the course is not open yet).
Important: If you have not yet created an ADUM account, or if you have not yet completed every stage of your thesis registration, you will need to apply for the courses using the special forms available at the bottom of each course sheet (“Website” line). Your training registration will be processed on ADUM afterwards.
I completed a doctoral cross-training course. How can I obtain my certificate?
At the end of each cross-training course, you will receive an email asking you to answer an ADUM feedback form. It is essential that you respond to it in order to obtain your monitoring certificate.
You will then receive an email confirming the validation of the training.
You will then be able to find your monitoring certificate in your ADUM personal space, “Training” (" Formations" in French) section, “Current training” ("Formations en cours" in French) line.
I completed an external training course in the summer/fall of 2023. Where should I send my certificate?
Once your thesis registration is complete, you can upload your external training certificate on the ADUM platform in the “Non-Catalog Training Courses” section. You will then need to fill in the various fields (title, start and end dates, etc.).
Important: Do not submit certificates on the old SIGED platform, as it is now obsolete. Wait until you have full access to your “Training” tab on ADUM before submitting your certificate.
Do I have to transfer my training certificates from SIGED to ADUM?
No, you do not have to do anything. All the data on doctoral programs that are already available in SIGED will be gradually migrated to ADUM. Thank you for your patience.
How do I validate a MOOC on ADUM?
Various MOOCs are listed in the ADUM catalog, such as the Ethics and Research MOOC. Once you’ve completed a MOOCs and received your certificate, you can request validation of the hours you have completed.
Here are the steps to take on ADUM after completing a MOOC:
- Register for the module corresponding to the MOOC for which you have received a certificate in the ADUM catalog. If your MOOC is not listed on ADUM, you can request it by e-mail.
- Once your registration has been validated, go to your ADUM account, go to “Training Courses” and click on the line “Submit your MOOC certificate (online course)”.
- Submit your MOOC certificate in PDF, PNG, or JPG format in the space provided.
Once your certificate has been verified and validated, the hours will be automatically credited to your ADUM training account.
Important: ADUM does not host any MOOC. To access the courses and obtain your certificates, you will need to register on the dedicated platforms (Fun-MOOC, etc.).
External training
How do I declare an external training session on ADUM?
All the steps allowing you to declare external training on ADUM are explained in the downloadable tutorial below.
If you have any questions regarding your ADUM account, please contact: