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COMOD - Constitution of modernity: reason, politics, religion
Looking backwards at mythology before the "birth of modernity", the COMOD LabEx studies types of rationale used by institutions and in practices of coexistence. This rationality, which stems largely from the scientific revolution, has established relationships between power and the people, States and religions, sovereignty, citizenship and expertise, and has been intricately formed over the last few centuries to culminate in the construction of a notion of citizenship, the principles of which seem to have achieved consensus, until recent decades. The current crisis facing this rationale requires us to return to its historical foundations, since only a new understanding of this civic framework, of its complex formation and 'the unthought', can shed light on its implications.
Partner laboratories:
- Action, discours, pensée politique et économique – Triangle (UMR CNRS 5206)
- Laboratoire de Recherche Historique Rhône-Alpes – LARHRA (UMR CNRS 5190)
- Laboratoire d’Etudes sur les Monothéismes – LEM (UMR CNRS 8584)
- Centre de Recherches Critiques sur le Droit – CERCRID (UMR CNRS 5137)
- Institut de Recherches Philosophiques de Lyon - IRPHIL (EA 4187)
- Institut d’Histoire des Représentations et des Idées dans la Modernité - IHRIM (UMR CNRS 5317)
- On the Internet
- http://comod.ens-lyon.fr/
Key words
citizenship, laïcité, tolerance, sovereignty, secularization, history of ideas
Research areas:
- The true formation of modern rationality and 'the unthought'
- The State and religion
- The State and citizens