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MILYON - Mathematics and Basic Computer Science in Lyon
Milyon brings together experts from the mathematics and basic computer science communities in Lyon Saint-Étienne around three main objectives: research in mathematics and basic computer science, particularly research areas relating to the interface between these two disciplines, as well as more general multidisciplinary research, innovation in training and the dissemination of scientific culture. Milyon offers a high-quality program of scientific events, colloquiums, grants and invitations to researchers and post-docs with strong potential. It develops novel activities in scientific mediation following the creation of the first Mathematics and Computer Science House in France.
Partner laboratories:
- Institut Camille Jordan - ICJ (UMR CNRS 5208)
- Laboratoire de l’Informatique du Parallélisme – LIP (UMR CNRS 5668)
- Unité de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées – UMPA (UMR CNRS 5669)
- sevestre@math.univ-lyon1.fr
- On the Internet
- http://milyon.universite-lyon.fr
Key words:
Mathematics, basic computer science, modelling, multidisciplinary research, scientific mediation
AResearch areas:
- Mathematics
- Basic computer science
- Modelling
- Discrete mathematics interfacing with computer science
- High-performance computing, mathematical structures in computing, evidence, logic
- Applied mathematics in biology, medicine, physics, materials science and vision, and more generally, interactions between the different strands of mathematics.