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PRIMES - Physics, Radiobiology, Medical Imaging and Simulation
PRIMES' main objective is to develop new concepts and methodologies for exploration, diagnoses and therapies regarding cancer and age-related diseases, which are two primary public health issues. The project intends to develop new imaging tools for exploring living tissue (at different scales and with new contrast media), as well as the development of enhanced, controlled and secure strategies for cancer radiation therapy. PRIMES is strongly interdisciplinary by definition and encompasses a diverse range of fields from basic physics to radiobiology, instrumentation to acquisition and data processing, as well as image reconstruction, simulation and computational modelling.
Partner laboratories:
- Centre de Recherche en Acquisition et traitement de l’Image pour la Santé – CREATIS (INSERM U1044 – UMR CNRS 5220)
- Institut de Physique Nucléaire de Lyon – IPNL (UMR CNRS 5822)
- Laboratoire d’Informatique en Images et Systèmes d’informations – LIRIS (UMR CNRS 5205)
- Laboratoire Hubert Curien - LHC (UMR CNRS 5516)
- Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire – LPC (UMR CNRS 6533)
- Laboratoire de l’Informatique du Parallélisme – LIP (UMR CNRS 5668)
- Ciblage thérapeutique en Oncologie – CTO (EA 3738 UCBL-HCL)
- Rayonnement Synchrotron et Recherche Médicale RSRM / ID17-ESRF
- CEA DRF//INAC/SYMMES/CIBEST SYstèmes Moléculaires et nanoMatériaux pour l’Energie et la Santé (SYMMES)
- Laboratoire de Biomécanique des Chocs – LBMC (IFSTTAR UMT T9406)
- Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie – LPSC (UMR CNRS 5821)
- Laboratoire de chimie de l'ENS de Lyon
- Institut Lumière Matière - ILM (UMR CNRS 5306)
- Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon – CRNL (INSERM U1052 – UMR CNRS 5286)
- Fondation Neurodis (CTRS)
- labex-primes-admin@ipnl.in2p3.fr
- On the Internet
- http://primes.universite-lyon.fr/
Key words:
Medical imaging, radiotherapies, radiobiology, image processing, cancer, instrumentation, ageing, simulation, modelling
Research areas
- Methods and innovative instrumentation for radiotherapies;
- Innovative techniques for imaging;
- Radiobiology and modeling for innovative radiotherapies;
- Multi-scales image processing;
- Simulation and image modeling.