Call for applications | International, Research

Launch of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region’s “Amorçage Europe” call for projects

On The February 8, 2023

The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region’s “Amorçage Europe” (Starter Europe) call for projects supports research projects conducted in response to a call for projects from the European Commission in the “research and innovation” and “training” sectors.

As part of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes 2022-2028 Plan for the economy, employment, training and innovation and the Regional Plan for Higher Education, Research and Innovation (SRESRI), the region will support the local scientific and academic communities in increasing their participation and success in European or international funding programs.

Amorçage Europe encourages the development of projects submitted for European and/or international funding that are clearly identified as pertaining to the fields of higher education, research and innovation. It helps to cover expenses related to the preparation of the project, whether it is the feasibility study phase, the development phase or preparing the application for the European call for projects.

Eligible expenses include:

  • Costs of organizing preparatory meetings to develop the European project;
  • Salaries and social security contributions for non-permanent staff (temporary staff, masters students, administrative staff, etc.);
  • Travel expenses;
  • The costs associated with setting up the European project;
  • Fees for services related to translation or proofreading of the application by an expert reviewer.

Amorçage Europe is open to all higher education and research institutions in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region. While economic players, competitiveness centers and clusters may not submit projects in their own name, they may join a Consortium led by a higher education and research institution. It is preferable for the project to be a collaborative effort between a number of institutions. If the project is led by more than one institution, this must be stated when submitting the project.

The amount of the regional grant ranges from 5,000 to 30,000 Euros.
Click here to see the list of non-eligible expenses (FR)

Selection criteria

For applications submitted as part of Amorçage Europe:

  • The quality of the synthesis, precision and popularization;
  • The application must be in line with regional priorities.

For projects considered at the European or international level:

  • The planned proposal must be in line with the expectations (in terms of activities, means, resources and schedule) of the relevant European or international funding program;
  • The relevance for the project submitted (maturity of the project and the quality of the individual application or the proposed consortium);
  • The regional benefits the project will have if it is selected and funded (amount of European or international funding for the benefit of regional partners, prospects for economic and scientific benefits in the region).

The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region reserves the right to limit the number of projects funded for each institution in the event that a large number of projects are submitted by the institution in the same financial year. 

Find out more (FR)