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“Stop Violences” – the new section for victims or witnesses of gender-based violence, harassment or discrimination
On The October 17, 2022
As a student, PhD student or member of staff of any gender, have you been, or are you currently, a victim or witness of gender-based and sexual violence, bullying and/or discrimination? Your institutions offer listening and support schemes. You can find them under the new section of the health portal.
The Université de Lyon, in close collaboration with its members and associated institutions, continues its actions for student well-being and enhances its health portal with a new section: “Stop Violences”.
On the initiative of the network for combating gender-based & sexual violence and discrimination, this section has been created to help students, PhD students and members of staff, the victims and witnesses of gender-based violence, harassment and/or discrimination, to report these acts of violence in their institution.
You will find information on how these listening and support schemes work, and on the alert procedure, on the different forms of gender-based violence, as well as on discrimination criteria and the associated legal texts.
There is also a page dedicated to the tools and resources for identifying and combating these types of violence.
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To read as well
And the network to fight against gender-based violence and discrimination between institutions within the Lyon Saint-Étienne site.
National campaign on consent
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As part of the National Plan to Combat Gender-based and Sexual Violence in Higher Education, the Ministry launched the #SansOuiCestInterdit campaign in October 2022, in partnership with the association Sexe&Consentement.
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