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Published on March 9, 2020 | Updated on July 9, 2020
International Alliance Brazil: São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) - Université de Lyon joint call for proposals 2020
Call for proposals closed
The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) and the Université de Lyon are launching a call for joint research projects in order to support the most innovative and ambitious research activities.
- Strengthen cooperation in scientific and technological research ;
- Support existing collaboration and encourage new forms of cooperation;
- Help increase international exposure and strengthen cooperation between the two geographical areas.
Teacher-researchers and researchers from the Université de Lyon (IDEXLYON consortium) and researchers affiliated Higher Education and Research Institutions in the State of São Paulo.
- Artificial intelligence (machine learning, data science);
- Photonics;
- Particles and turbulent flows;
- Modern society and democracy;
- Urban issues at large;
- Health, ecology and the environment;
- Contributions social science and the humanities are strongly encouraged.
Applications will be assessed by the FAPESP/UdL commissions.
► The detailed procedure of the joint call, the application form and the budget template are available for downloaded on this page.
Documents to download
- UdL Application form Joint Call FAPESP-UdL 2020.doc (DOC, 106 kB)
- UdL-FAPESP 2020 Call Budget template.docx (DOCX, 238 kB)
- UdL-FAPESP Call for Proposals 2020-extended (PDF, 748 kB)
International office: international.office@universite-lyon.fr
Supported by :
Application deadline: April 30, 2020