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Internship offers STARMAJ program 2020
Internships offers proposed by Japanese partners
Formal and Physical Sciences
- Advanced algorithms for computer vision problems_Aoyama Gakuin University
- Aerogel based superinsulation, measuring conductivity under short term accelerated ageing with guarded hot plate_Tohoku University
- An intelligent Sensing Platform for Teamwork Workshop_University of Tokyo
- Automated Extraction of food information from chewing sounds_Aoyama Gakuin University
- Automated theorem proving with machine learning_Kyoto University
- Bloch Surface waves for sensing_University of Tokyo
- Carbon diffusion in Iron assisted by an electric field a Molecular Dynamics study_Tohoku University
- Chiral metal-radical molecular magnets_Hiroshima University
- Cognitive developmental robotics_University of Tokyo
- Detection and quantification of meal activity in daily life though data analysis_Aoyama Gakuin University
- Lighting solutions to assist low vision people in their mobility_Shimane University
- Multi-agent Path finding formal verification_Tokyo Institute of Technology
- New tools for computer program verification_Kyoto University
- Smart DNA hydrogels microbeads for biological applications_University of Tokyo
- Swarms of luminous robots formal validation of a modelchecker_Tokyo Institute of Technology