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[OUR CONSORTIUM] The Université de Lyon sees its new statutes published in the Official Gazette
On The January 9, 2024
On January 9, 2024, the Decree amending the Université de Lyon's statutes was published in the Official Gazette (Journal Officiel). This important step for the university site reflects and confirms the essential role of the Université de Lyon as a coordinating body in the Lyon Saint-Étienne territory.
The Decree N° 2024-17 of January 9, 2024 ratifies the transformation of the Université de Lyon into an experimental community of universities and institutions known as the “Lyon Saint-Étienne ComUE”, and approves its new statutes.
The publication of the Université de Lyon’s new statutes marks an important step in its transformation. This new text is the result of a collective effort involving the site’s institutions and the staff of our institution. It also marks the beginning of a period in which academic collaboration has become a key factor in ensuring the site’s excellence in training and research.
Frank Debouck, President of the Université de Lyon
Read the decree in the Official Gazette (Journal Officiel) - in French