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[PORTRAIT] Meet our four student ambassadors
On The November 14, 2024
Jeanne, Nino, Zohrane and Victor joined the Université de Lyon for the academic year as student life ambassadors. What is their mission? To interact with students on campus and provide them with information about the services and support available in the areas of health, well-being, disability, etc.
Why did you decide to become a student life ambassador for the Université de Lyon?
Jeanne, a Master’s student in Inorganic Chemistry at ENS de Lyon:
During my studies at ENS de Lyon, I had the opportunity to get involved in different associations, sports associations in particular. So I naturally came up with the idea of getting more involved with the students of the Université de Lyon as a whole and not only those at my school. I love team work, and being part of a group of four like-minded students was a particular source of motivation for me. This allows us to combine our skills on our assignments to meet students’ needs as best we can and make their studies go as smoothly as possible.
Nino, a Master’s student in International Relations at Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3:
My main motivation for becoming a Université de Lyon student life ambassador was to meet students and play an active role in their integration and development. As an international student myself, I understand the challenges, and sometimes the misunderstandings, that those arriving in a new academic and cultural environment may face.
What messages do you want to get across when you speak to students?
Zohrane, a final year Engineering student at ENTPE:
When I meet students, I always try to reassure them that they do not have to overcome their difficulties alone. There are various schemes open to them to help them continue their studies in the best possible conditions. Above all, I want to foster a sense of solidarity!
Access to education for all is, in my opinion, the value that must be guaranteed at the university, encouraging students to express themselves freely. Indeed, my role as an ambassador enables me to reach out to students to offer them a range of support schemes tailored to their needs and their situation, but also to answer any questions they may have and help them with any formalities they may need to complete.
After a few weeks of speaking with students on campus or at events, how do you think your role as ambassador facilitates the relay of information and feedback on students’ needs?
Victor, Master’s student in Fundamental Public Law at Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3:
Although we’re just starting out with our mission, we are already acting as relays for information flowing between the Université de Lyon’s institutions and the students. Many students contact us to find out about the support available at their institution. This could cover a range of issues: disability, gender-based and sexual violence, housing, food insecurity, access to healthcare, etc.The advantage of us talking to them is that we talk on a peer-to-peer basis, between students. Similarly, as students, we are in a better position to pass on information to the Université de Lyon to improve, strengthen or change existing policies, but also to propose new measures to help students.
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