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[PUBLICATION] 14th issue of the Pop’Sciences Mag: “Health, a holistic vision”
In December 2024, Pop’Sciences is publishing the next issue of its magazine, entitled “Health, a holistic vision” (“Santés, une vision globale”), exploring the links between human and animal health, and the environment. To mark this occasion, a meeting-discussion will take place on December 4, 2024, in partnership with the Part-Dieu Municipal Library.
Discussing the links between health and the environment
We are not all equal when dealing with illness. What influences our health, apart from genetic or behavioral factors (physical activity, smoking, alcohol, etc.)? The meeting-discussion entitled “Health: gaining a better understanding of environmental exposure” ("Santé: mieux comprendre les expositions environnementales"), sheds light on a recent scientific concept, the exposome. This refers to the various environmental factors that each individual is exposed to throughout his or her life and which may have an impact on health (food, air, water, noise, pollution, radiation, effects of climate change, etc.). How can we identify them, become aware of their impact on health, and act to prevent their effects, both individually and collectively?
The meeting-discussion will shed light on these issues through the shared perspectives of:
- Fabrice Vavre, an Evolutionary Biology Researcher at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), Director of the Biometrics and Evolutionary Biology Laboratory at Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1;
- Béatrice Fervers, Oncologist, head of the Cancer and Environment Department at the Centre Léon Bérard de Lyon.
Discover the “Health, a holistic vision” issue of the Pop’Sciences Mag at this event and pick up a preview copy!
See all previous issues of the Pop'Sciences Mag (in French)
Practical information
Wednesday, December 4, 2024 | At 6.30 p.m.
BM Lyon Part-Dieu, 30 Bd Marius Vivier Merle, 69003 Lyon, France
Free admission, subject to availability of seats
For more information, visit the Pop’Sciences website (in French)
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Call for applications: Pop’Sciences Festival 2025
The Pop’Sciences Festival is back for its fifth edition and will take place on May 16, 17 and 18, 2025 in Belleville-en-Beaujolais, part of the Saône Beaujolais Community of Communes. Would you like to take part and propose a scientific event? Apply here!
View the call for applicationsAbout Pop'Sciences
P for Parting knowledge, O for an Open campus, P for Providing awareness with and for the public... This is the motto of Pop’Sciences, whose aim is simply to satisfy the thirst for knowledge, encounters, experiments, sounds and images related to science and technology. An online calendar, themed article series, a magazine, events... Everything to feed your appetite for science!