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[PUBLICATION] Guide for raising awareness on social and environmental issues
On The June 13, 2023
Under the Agir ensemble (Act together) label, the Université de Lyon and the Crous de Lyon are offering 35 member and associate institutions a guide to five workshops to help them raise public awareness.
The Université de Lyon and the Crous de Lyon have been awarded the “Agir ensemble pour des campus durables dans des villes durables” (Act together for sustainable campuses in sustainable cities) label for 2023.
This guide, entitled “Ecological transition: some awareness-raising tools for my institution”, had been compiled as part of the 2023 Action Plan proposed by Agir Ensemble for the 35 member and associate institutions of the Université de Lyon.
The aim is to highlight some of the tools available to institutions for organizing workshops to raise awareness of social and environmental issues as part of their curricula, thus raising awareness on a much larger scale.
It targets five workshops that are common in higher education:
- The Climate Fresco;
- The Biodiversity Fresco;
- The Digital Technology Fresco;
- The 2-Ton Workshop;
- Let’s invent our low-carbon lives.
This guide contains one page per workshop, allowing you to quickly grasp the content, objectives, requirements, possible costs, etc. of each workshop. At the end of the document, the workshops are summarized with a retro-planning table, to easily understand the steps involved in organizing them.
To support the publication of this guide, inter-institutional training sessions on how to run the Climate Fresco and the 2-Ton Workshop will be held throughout the month of June.Consult the guide (FR)