Awards and Recognition | Research

L’Oréal-Unesco Awards for Women in Science: three researchers from Lyon receive awards

On The October 25, 2022

Auteur : Laurence Dutton
Auteur : Laurence Dutton

On Wednesday, October 12, 2022, the 16th edition of the L’Oréal-Unesco Young Talents Prize - France for Women in Science was awarded to 35 exceptional female doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers. Three of them are from the Lyon Saint-Étienne laboratories.

The L’Oréal-Unesco Young Talents Prize - France was created in 1998 to highlight the important contribution of female scientists in solving major environmental, health and social challenges. Each year, it contributes to celebrating the wide diversity of career paths, accelerating the recognition of talent and encouraging women to become scientists.

Three researchers from the Lyon and Saint-Étienne research laboratories are among the 35 winners of the 2022 edition:

  • Emma Risson – (Lyon Cancer Research Center, CNRS, Inserm, Université de Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 & BMIC doctoral school): Contrôle de la dormance des cellules de cancer du sein disséminées dans la moelle osseuse par TGFB2 et BMP4 (Control of breast cancer disseminated tumor cell dormancy by TGFB2 and BMP4 signaling) [Cellular Biology]
  • Mathilde His – (International Agency for Research on Cancer): Comprendre les causes du cancer du sein en étudiant le métabolome (Understanding the causes of breast cancer by studying the metabolome) [Neuroscience, epidemiology and infectious diseases]
  • Alice Malivert – (École normale supérieure de Lyon, BMIC, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Inrae, CNRS): Mechano-eco-sensing : les plantes sentent l’eau par la mécanique (Mechano-eco-sensing: plants use mechanical forces to sense water availability) [Life and Environmental Sciences]

The Université de Lyon congratulates all three of them on their work, which highlights the excellence of our university’s research!

Click here for more information on the 2022 L’Oréal-Unesco Awards for Women in Science