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The Observatory for Doctors Entering Employment (OIPD)
What do doctors from the Université de Lyon go on to do?
In 2011, the UdL established an observatory for doctors entering employment from the Lyon Saint-Étienne site. The observatory collects data, develops recruitment statistics and assesses the integration of our doctors into the professional world, how suitable the diploma levels are for their work and how satisfied their employers are.The scheme
The Observatory was introduced as part of the five-year Contrat État-Région (State-Region Project Contract) for 2011-2015 and the Investments for the Future program, with the support of Grand Lyon and the Région Rhône-Alpes.
The studies are led in connection with the university observatories from Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Lumière Lyon 2, Jean Moulin Lyon 3, Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne, ENS de Lyon, INSA Lyon and École Centrale Lyon.
It aims to provide reliable quantified data for stakeholders involved in doctoral programs: supervisors, institutions, services at the Université de Lyon, doctoral colleges, doctoral schools, and local and regional authorities, etc.
It also aims to promote PhD diplomas, to inform PhD students and Master's students about opportunities, to assess how theses impact careers and their success, to address the difficulties faced by young doctors when finding employment and to ensure that we offer the adequate training programs and support to enable doctors to successfully enter employment suited to their scientific area, the level of their qualification and the research they carried out.