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The eco-friendly action campaign
Because rallying users together is key to the success of the energy and ecological transition, the Université de Lyon is launching a campaign to raise awareness about eco-responsible actions. With 160,000 users, the Lyon Saint-Étienne site could have a significant impact on reducing the site's energy costs if provided with support for environmentally-friendly action. Within a building, one support action combined with one communication action has the potential to reduce energy consumption by 10%.
The eco-friendly action campaign, jointly developed with the institutions, aims to involve the site’s users – students, researchers, research professors and staff – and to raise their awareness of the importance of "small actions". It aims to familiarize its various target audiences with the environmental issues and change their behavior in several areas.
Key figures for the Lyon Saint-Étienne university site
The Lyon Saint-Étienne university site comprises around 500 buildings; | |
| With a floor area of more than 1,4 million square meters; |
With over 20 million euros in energy costs each year. |
The eco-friendly action campaign's 5 themes for 2018 & 2019
| FOOD |
The first eco-friendly actions
► Leaks and dual flushes
- Informing staff about leaking taps, toilets or sprinkler systems could help to reduce the Université de Lyon site's water consumption by 10%, which is the average annual consumption of 1,500 people.
- Making sure you use the right flush with dual flushes (which usually use either three or six liters) could help to save 50% of the site's water usage.
To take this further:
You can take the following eco-friendly actions at home to preserve clean water resources:
- Take showers rather than baths;
- Limit the time taken to shower (5 minutes should be enough);
- Install water-saving aerators onto taps.
► Switching off lights
Lighting in tertiary buildings (lecture rooms, offices, shops, etc.) accounts for 5% of France's electricity consumption. Source: ADEME.
The institutions of the Université de Lyon are gradually investing in new lighting that uses LED or energy-saving light bulbs, as well as energy-saving systems, such as presence and luminosity detectors, and the programming of automatic cut outs.
Despite technical advances, lights in numerous lecture rooms and offices are still being left on over night... Here, too, users can play a huge role by remembering to turn off the lights when leaving rooms, offices and lecture rooms.
The second campaign
► Device standby
This new campaign’s theme is device standby time. It aims to raise awareness of avoidable electricity usage and of the waste caused by leaving devices on standby.
This wastefulness can be avoided by implementing one very simple eco-friendly measure: turn off computers and screens in the evening and on weekends.
A mascot to rally people around eco-friendly action
Tony the mascot, a specialist in eco-friendly action, has come to lend his advice. The energy and ecological transition requires a joint effort, and Tony's mission is to rally all the site's users around eco-friendly actions. He uses real-life situations to explain how to remain vigilant on a daily basis and adopt good practice.
The eco-friendly action campaign is being led as part of the site's Energy and Ecological Transition (TEE) strategy developed by the member institutions of the Université de Lyon.
The site's strategy, co-designed with the member institutions and Crous de Lyon for the Lyon Saint-Étienne university site, proposes a vision, framework for action and a site trajectory with regard to its energy and ecological transition and environmental citizenship. This trajectory sets out the strategy's objectives and identifies ways of mobilizing users.
► Find out more
Teaser for the eco-friendly action campaign
Device standby campaign video
Dowload our campaign
- 1 Autocollant chasse d'eau
- Affiche fuite d'eau - Campagne éco-gestes
- Autocollant éteindre la lumière - campagne éco-gestes
- Campagne éco-gestes - affiche veille informatique
For more specific information about lighting in offices, there are two sites you can take a look at:
► The French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME - Agence de l'environnement et de la maîtrise de l'énergie; website in French)
► The French Lighting Association (AFE - Association française de l'éclairage; website in French)